My Name is Wind wants to cooperate!
Are you looking for someone creative?
You are in the good place!
My Name is Wind travels far and near by.
My Name is Wind travels through the people and by sliding on the earth’s surface ..
The readers creates this place too! Who are they?
They are modern tribe. Women (46%) and men (54%).
Most of them (61%)is young (18, to 34 years). They are active and interested in sports, computers, and food. They enjoy new technologies and electronics. But the most important is that they love to travel!
Possible ways of coopertion:
- Creative publicity
- Sponsored excursions
- Reviews
- Articles on the blog
- Sponsored articles
- Products testing
- Contest organisation
- Photography. You can see more of my photos on: http://princessdreamsphoto.com/
Feel free to contact my by: kontakt